Wednesday 21 August 2013


Discover Middle Earth...

at 501 Buckland Rd, Matamata 3400, New Zealand

Annual family holiday to New Zealand - easily the best one! 
A week spent in Auckland, we drove one day, out of the city, to Matamata - where we took a tour bus into - wait for it...HOBBITON!

well... not really... we drove into a sheep farm - which had been transformed, by the hands and machines of man, into what we all know as Hobbiton! Or at least the set of it anyway...

It was beauty beyond description - I'd rather not describe it actually as even my most complimenting words may seem insulting and wouldn't do the place justice at all! 

I did take pictures, as any mesmerized tourist would, though even the photos don't capture just what kind of magic was emanating from the place; artificial moss painted upon the 4 foot hobbit doors as equally pretty and belonging as the REAL and extremely-vibrant flowers, healthily the middle of a drought.

The place was extremely special... every single bit of the place was beautiful and the point where, if I could decide I would have definitely stayed and lived inside one of the many hobbit houses - though most aren't actually houses - just short doors stuck onto the hillside - but even then, I still would have loved to stay.

And to come back a not even an option! It's a must!


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